Friday 27 May 2016

Week 4 Term 2 Reflection

For Numeracy I did a Screencasify to teach decimals using a Number line. Here is my work. I think it was pretty good fun but hard this is only my third video.

For writing we pretend to be news paper reporters.We had to pick a part in the Charlotte web book and write a report about it. Here is my work.

Strange writing found in a web on a farm in Grey mouth

Down on the west coast something strange happened yesterday on a farm. The owner Mr Zuckerman spotted some writing in a web. It is very strange and people think it was a pig named Wilbur that wrote the writing in the web.

An amazing thing has happened on a local farm in Grey mouth farm. It was supposed to be a secret but it was so amazing, it has spread as fast as the wind. Many people from far and wide have stopped their cars up in Marsden to have a close up look. “I even have been up on the farm, I thought it was a joke but it is really is true”

I had a talk with Mr Zuckerman, he said “I think the pig Wilbur is very special. My niece Fern saved this pig because he was about to get killed because he was a runt. And when he was one mouth I brought him off her for six dollars. I think I am a lucky person to have this amazing pig!”

Yesterday Lurvy, the helper on the farm, was out to feed Wilbur the pig. Because it was a misty day he saw the words some pig smack bang in the middle of the spiders web. He went to tell Mr Zuckerman came down with his wife and Lurvy and Mr Zuckerman thought it was the pig but Mrs Zuckerman thought it was the spider but they looked up the type of spider that made the web but it was one of the dumbest spiders in the world, So then they all agreed that it was the pig that had done the writing.

Early yesterday morning Lurvy went out to Wilbur pen then he saw the words some pig. But it was made at night by the pig. But some people still think it was the spider. I think it was the pig and the mayor is going to have a meeting about the pig today.

This all happened because Fern saved the pig named Wilbur. I think it was lucky that Fern to saved the little runt. Now he is all famous and important. If I had the choice of keeping Wilbur I would keep him.

For reading we had to read and had to infer which mean to gather information then find out other thing by using the information you have all ready got. Here is my work.

Imagine you have just read in the newspaper that it will be 45 degrees today. Answer the following questions and note how you make inferences everyday.

1.What kind of clothes would you wear?
Thin layer of close

2.What season is it?
Fire or Summer season because I know how hot 48 degrees is

3.What would be a good activity?
Swimming, cold shower because the help cool you off

4.Would you expect it to be a sunny or cloudy day?
Sunny because the sun is shining at you not the clouds

5. How do you know these things? (Explain)

Because I know how hot 45 degrees is.

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