Saturday 25 June 2016

My Trip Around The World Part 2

We swim alot and went to aunty Ellies place where we met some Sri Lankan kids.

At 2 am in the morning we flew off to Delhi then to Frankfurt which is a big airport in Germany. Here  are some pictures of Frankfurt airport.

Image result for frankfurt airport

 Image result for frankfurt airport
Image result for frankfurt airport

we were all very tired from travelling but we were happy to see Oma, that is my nana.

Stayed at an old castle called Wohldenberg and saw some old friends of  daddy and mummy. Here is a picture of the castle.

Image result for woldenberg castle

 We went for a walk in forest and around a swamp, Then we played bottchia in the garden with Uncle Gerd at Oma's house.


  1. Guiten tag Richard! I bet Oma was very happy to see you and Molly! The castle you stayed in looks amazing! What did you learn about the history? I really want to know about bottchia. Is it like bowls? We miss you Richard!

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    2. Hi Miss Panther how is everyone?
      I will tell you about the history and more about what bottchia is. Yes you are right it is a bit like bowls.
      have a good holiday from Richard


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