Tuesday, 5 July 2016

My Trip Around The World Part 5

 We went to the baker to get buttercake but they had sold out so we bought some other cakes. Later that day we went to get an ice cream and then we went to see some deer and wild pigs in a park and gave them some nuts, there were also goats there. These deer look a bit differnt than the ones in Grey mouth, the have white spots on the backs.

Image result for deer

In the afternoon Uncle Gunner and Aunty Yanna and my cousin Lisa came over for a barbecue inthe garden. I had not seen Lisa for six years.

Today we took a train to Hannover which is then town where I  was born. We took a lift to the top of the town hall from where we could see a long distance all around us. It was very high up, 97 to 98 m.
We were at the top of the middle bit.

 Image result for hannover rathaus

Afterward we had tea, we went to a spanish restaurant.

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