Tuesday 2 June 2015

dear Diary

                     Dear Diary 
I am so Excited that I get to go home tomorrow.It will take 3 months till I get to are house.

I'm a little bit injured but I am fine. I also have a missing arm because it got shot by a gun I don't know what type of gun it was.It was so bad I had to get it cut off.

Today I am just sitting around because of my arm it is the most important hand to hold my gun.Yesterday I got my arm cut off. It hurt but it was the right thing to do.

This evening I am going to take off all my muddy clothes and boots and put on nice clean clothes because they won't let dirty clothes in to the ship.It is a really really big ship.

I am so excited that I get to go home.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Richard, I think it is good sometimes to imagine yourself in another situation and to consider how people must have felt in the terrible Great War. Well done
    From Richard's Dad


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