Tuesday, 29 November 2016


Space scout the dark world
By H. Badger

Characters: Kip, fin-bar, MoNa and the aliens.

Summary: As soon as Kip lands on this weird planet, the aliens there are stuck down  by a mysterious sickness. Either kip is deadly to the aliens, or theirs something more sinister going on...

I rate this book four out of five stars 

I recommend this book for boys and girls 7+ 

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Main Star Award

For one of the Main stars we had to learn a skill and teach it to someone. I learned to read in German because I already know how to speak it. I taught my sister to read it and she liked it. She also had to comment on how well I taught her. Here it is (I AM SO GLAD THAT RICHARD HAS TAUGHT ME TO READ IN GERMAN). I also recorded Molly reading a book.

Main Star Awards

For one of my Main Stars I had to creat a meal for the family using lots of plants from the Little Gardens. It had to inglued 3 parts first course, main part and dessert.
 Here is the link

Main Stars Awards

One of the Main Stars Was to do five random acts of kindness. Each day of the week this week I gave eggs, helped people and fix the problem with the computer.

Gave eggs to Janice.
Gave eggs to Anita and Dave.
Gave eggs to Wendy.
Helped fix the computer for Molly.
Helped boys in class.

Because I  had a really kind week by helping people...
I got a certificate. Here it is.


Friday, 25 November 2016


Space scout the shrinking race
By H. Badger

Characters: kip,  MoNa, Finbar, blutor.

Summary: When kip beams down onto a new Planet, the tiny blue aliens there are terrified. Kips like a giant!  But he soon discovers they were not all ways so small...

I recommend this book for 7+ boys

I rate the the 4 out of 5 stars