Tuesday, 2 June 2015

dear Diary

                     Dear Diary 
I am so Excited that I get to go home tomorrow.It will take 3 months till I get to are house.

I'm a little bit injured but I am fine. I also have a missing arm because it got shot by a gun I don't know what type of gun it was.It was so bad I had to get it cut off.

Today I am just sitting around because of my arm it is the most important hand to hold my gun.Yesterday I got my arm cut off. It hurt but it was the right thing to do.

This evening I am going to take off all my muddy clothes and boots and put on nice clean clothes because they won't let dirty clothes in to the ship.It is a really really big ship.

I am so excited that I get to go home.

Planet one sing along

My Plan:I am in a rocket and I am discovering new planets with Bob and Fred (my brother)

Setting-in a rocket and on the planet ‘sing along’

Characters-bob(my friend)Fred(my brother)me(richard)

Problem-they never stop making noises

Solution-they sing me the answer

WALT 1:I can group a few ideas correctly eg 1-4 paragraphs and I can use connectives to link my sentences

WALT 2:I can include characters and a setting

Brooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom that was my rocket blasting off.I am an astronaut who goes around the universe discovering new planets.I am with my brother Fred and my best friend Bob.Bob is driving the rocket.bom bom bom bom bom bom bom.

I wonder what it could be.It sounds a bit like drums but it can’t be drums or maybe it could be?
I say to Fred, “Can you tell Bob that we should have a look”.FRED,  I shout, “I can see the planet,Quick, tell Bob.  Me and you will discover it”.I run inside the rocket and start to get in to my astronaut suit. I just finish getting my suit on when my brother Fred comes in and gets his suit on too. He says “you forgot your helmet and your oxygen tank”.

A minute later we were landing in the planet sing along.Now we can hear the drumming even louder than last time. it sounds did like this BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM. I thought I needed ear plugs.So I tightened my helmet so it did not sound so loud it was almost as loud as when the rocket took off. Then I started hearing different sounds they sounded  like weird noises, like a two year old who is learning how to sing a song off the radio and could not talk properly.Then I saw something coming up this like dirt road.
It kept coming closer and closer, then I saw it  was lots of creatures coming closer and closer.They were all different sizes and shapes and colours.Their colours were green,blue,pink,red,purple,orange, yellow,brown. Then I saw the biggest one, he was so big he was looking over the mountain.All the creatures were making sounds.  When they got to me they stopped, then they got out their instruments and started to play a song which sounded like a normal song but a little low in pitch.